Though well intentioned and seemingly noble, "good" actually has a tendency to inhibit us and prevent growth. This may seem counterintuitive at first but in this article we'll explain three reasons why it's better to aim for "better" than "good," and then some simple steps on how to do so. Once it's explainea , however once, it is explained I believe you will understand all to well how aiming for good has the power to make us worse. You see the problem with setting a goal for a good ________ (fill in the blank), is that they are pretty difficult to achieve. I may be stating the obvious here, but it is good to remember that the reason that your goal exists is because you haven't achieved it. This implicitly tells us that the current patterns and behaviors of your life do not allow you to achieve this goal. Which brings us to the next obvious, but integral truth which is you must fundamentally change and behave differently in order to achieve it. And here is where the true difficulty lies: "You, as you currently are: your daily activties, thoughts and way of living, are in direct opposition to your goals."As a life coach and health coach I often have to remind my clients to be patient in reaching their goals because its easy to forget that it took a lifetime to build the habits that got them into their current position and it won't change in a day. that the areas they want to change most will most likely take the most work. In fact most likely it agoes against practically your own DNA to be good. Granted it may not be at that level but what I will say is that it goes against your brain wiring. Getting a good body takes a long time and hard work . The base goal of success for our society is at least good. There's just one problem... it's hard as hell to be good. I mean that's a high low standard. Resetting Expectations—Secret to Lasting Success
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